Saturday, November 25, 2017

A little of this and that!

A few random pictures of other things we have been up to on our Thanksgiving break!

Of course we couldnt go this whole week knowing that Santa was able to be talked to! So...we headed to the Gadsden Mall and they had a chance to tell the big guy want they want! They both were in deep convo with him!

Also, Mallory gave them face masks as some of their gifts from her asking them to be in her wedding. They begged and begged to do the masks so yesterday...we lounged and watched the Price Is Right while we did the masks! I also used some of Alexis' since she had a lot. It was a charcoal mask and felt amazing! :)

I thought I would share how we had a baby eat with us at the Classic for Thanksgiving! Lily had her a chair and all! I think the baby loved it...I didnt hear her cry any while we ate! :)
In depth conversation with Santa!
Lex making sure she tells him everything!
Two girls happy with talking to the big guy!
This cracked me up! OH this girl! She didnt know what to think about the mask..but wouldnt take it off...wouldnt move her face or anything! Ha!
Alexis thought she was SO grown! She said she was at a spa!
Just relaxing in our pjs with our face masks on! So relaxing!

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