Friday, November 17, 2017

Riding the train!

You learn real quick that your world revolves around your kids when you find yourself riding a 'choo choo' train around the Mall.....

on a Friday night! :)

Boy, my Friday nights have changed since two little girls changed my world....

and I wouldnt have it any other way! :)

Christmas decor is out and about! The girls and I had a girl's night and headed to the Mall to go to Eden's 10th birthday party at the Mall's arcade! Santa arrived at the Mall tonight...and when we went to talk to him....the line was 3 miles long! So....we will make it to visit another time when the line isnt so long so the girls can be sure to tell him what they want this year! :)
We checked out the Angel tree again this year! This has become one of my favorite traditions to do with the girls! It helps the girls understand that there are alot of kids that have to go without..and for them to learn to 'give back!' They chose a little boy named Levi who is almost 2! We are going to have fun shopping for him!
Lily was THRILLED when she saw Callie was at Eden's party!
Checking out all the fun games!
Riding cool! :)
Then Allison and I let the girls ride the train around the Mall! They were pumped! The 'big' girls claimed they were the only ones that could ride in the back!
Allison and I sat in the middle of the train together and laughed the whole time because we barely fit! ha! These two claimed they were the only ones that could sit in the front! ha! We had a fun girl's night!

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