Monday, November 13, 2017

Santa's BIG elf!

Santa's BIG elf started working extra hard on one of Santa's gifts this weekend!

Yes, they still believe....I hope, thanks to Daddy's way with words.....that is!

Alexis and Lily are SUPER excited about having a tree house and I can not wait to see it all completed and ready for them to have fun in it!

We capped off the long weekend with getting Christmas decor out! I am far from being finished and still have one tree left to do but I got a lot done and I LOVE it all out already!

I have been 'itching' to get it all out since I have seen others and keep seeing all of the Christmas commercials! :) :)

Tyler has been researching and researching ideas on how to build it, what cool features to put on it, etc! This tree house is going to be awesome!
My view! All of us curled up with a great smelling candle going....trees lit.....and Home Alone playing! Yes, my girls are already requesting Christmas movies! They watched the Grinch the other day!

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