Friday, November 24, 2017

Turkey day 2017! Part 1!

We headed to the Classic on Noble to enjoy Thanksgiving brunch this year!

It was brunch because we had to eat earlier than usual but that didnt stop us from getting plate...after plate of the goodness! We headed to Nan and Pawpaw's for a little bit before heading home and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and doing some cooking to take to LaLa's.

We had a full day of family and food!

Love this picture of Lily! Ready to get some Tgiving food in her belly! :)
She looks so grown!
She looks 25! They both wanted me to curl their hair...and they both look gorgeous!
The 'back' view of Alexis! :)
Lily's 'back' view! :)
Sweet girls!
Us girls ready to go!
Tyler dipped out right when this picture was about to be he missed out! The Classic is always a hit!
Alexis and Lily LOVE the kid's candy table!
Nan and Lily!
They were too busy talking to care to take a picture!
See...Alexis loves the candy table. She sat there purposely trying to turn her entire mouth blue!
The family picture!

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