Friday, November 24, 2017

More Turkey day..part 2!

Alexis was such a BIG help for me while I cooked the squash casserole and macaroni salad to take to Lana's!

She was in the kitchen with me the entire time helping me prep and then cook and clean!

Lily cracked me up because on the way to pick up Nannie, I told Alexis how thankful I was for her and thanked her for helping me and Lily got SO mad!

It was so out of nowhere! What was funny was..we were in the car...and Lily goes 'Well, okay Mommy...Alexis is the star!' {Tyler, Alexis and I had the most confused looks on our face!} Tyler goes 'Lily what does that mean? Why are you saying Alexis is a star?' And she goes, 'Daddy, I didnt help Mommy cook {because she was watching the parade} so Alexis just gets all the stuff and is a star because she helped Mommy!'

It was the most random conversation! ha!

So, I tried to smooth it over and I said 'Thank you Lily for cleaning up your room earlier in the day!'

And....Lily goes, 'Mommy, I never clean up my room!'

Oh me, are you as confused as we all were!?!?! :) :)

Love this girl like she is my very own sister!
We decided to still have our 'normal' Thanksgiving plans even though we were all sad about Hogan passing but I think it was best because it helped Nannie to have us all around and we had a great time together. She had some sad moments but she was okay.
Aunt Pam was being silly and wanted everyone to hold hands and look at the tree and sing! ha! The girls were like..........okay!?!? :)
The girls!
When we got home...I gave the girls their gifts that Mallory had sent for them to be in her wedding! Alexis has moved up in the ranks and is going to be a junior bridesmaid! She gets to wear a bridesmaid dress this time! She is PUMPED to have a new title! :)
They were both half asleep when we got home, but they perked right up when they opened their goody bags! :)

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