Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wordless Wednesday-when we all see Jesus!

Have you ever doubted that God cares for every detail of your days?
Have you ever doubted that He works for good even in the most tragic of circumstances?
See the beautiful family in the top picture? 
Adam, passed away in a tragic accident. See that smile in the top picture? I don’t think I ever saw him without it. 
Such a wonderful husband to Stephanie and amazing Daddy to his girls.
See the beautiful family in the bottom picture? Mr. Nelson and his wife Betty and their son Chris. Mr. Nelson has been waiting for a kidney transplant for a very, very long time. He has been so sick and so weak and has been praying and praying for a donor match. His family and his friends have all tried and were not a match. He had waited and waited...........
These two families live in the same town.
They go to the same church.
Mr. Nelson received the gift of life from Adam this past Sunday.
Only God orchestrates a miracle like this.
Only God can bring life from tragedy.
Only God!
{This was shared from a friend, but OH how this is amazing! Because of Adam, there can be over 100 organs, etc that can be donated to people like Mr. Nelson who desperately needs them! I didnt even know that many.....and I am an organ donor. This is truly amazing and I only hope that I can help a family like Mr. Nelson's when I am no longer in my body.}

This funeral will also mark the 1st funeral I will have been to since Pops' funeral 7 years ago. {Except Tyler's Gran Dad, Lindy, that was family} In the past 7 years, I have been to a good many visitations but have left before the funeral started just because I have never gotten myself to go. I feel I should...and led to go to Adam's. It will, for sure, be a moment for me.
And, a side note!............ 'When we all get to heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be
When we all see Jesus
We'll sing and shout for victory!!!'
I want this old hymn played when it is my time to go! {I know, I am being 'weird' by talking about my death, but as the Bible says, everyone's time is on God's time and we never know when our time is over here on Earth and when God is ready to call us home.Oh what a day of rejoicing it will be when we all see Jesus.}

Today...on this day...the 1st of November we are celebrating Adam's life! Tonight was his visitation and tomorrow is his funeral. TODAY also marked the day that the guy that has been on the run for a week was caught after an ATV chase! Amen! What a perfect day to get him! I do pray for the guy {and the one already in jail} that caused this precious girl below to loose her Daddy to find it within themselves to give it all to God and turn their life around for the good!
I asked Stephanie the other day if she would like Jaycee to come home with us while she handled Adam's visitation. She was so thankful for me to ask and so we came home and Jaycee and Lily have played and played the rest of the afternoon! I love this sweet girl and I pray for her to find peace and to know that her Daddy loved her with his whole self!

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