Saturday, November 11, 2017

How many times!?!

How many times can we go to Birmingham and not just have a blast and LOVE our time spent?!?

How many times can the girls go UP and down...UP and down...and UP and down the escalators in the Galleria and not get tired of it and just have SO much fun doing it?!

How many times can we catch up with Meg and Mal and just have a blast?!

the number is endless! :)

We decided to take off to Birmingham for a day of fun since the girls were out of school to celebrate Veteran's Day! Tyler and I took off from work to have a fun family day...and that is exactly what we had!

We packed in shopping, eating, and chatting!

There was no way that we could be in B'ham and not eat at Newks! We were all biting at the bit to get there and eat the yuminess! This picture cracks me up because both the girls have their breadsticks in their hands!
I just loved this! Lily was holding her Daddy's hand and she was just a hopping and a skipping and dancing the whole time up to the store! :)
Of course we checked out Toys R Us! The girls went crazy in there and they both picked out each other's Christmas gift! They both are dying to know what their gift is! I had to threaten them that if they told each other...that I would take both gifts back! :) :)
Tyler and I literally stood over to the side at the top and they did this for about 15 minutes! :)
Alexis was cracking me up because she was acting all 'cool'  going up and down!...yet, the 'child' in her didnt want to stop riding it {even with her 'too cool' face on the whole time!} :) :)
This cracked me up. Of course, when we immediately walk into the Galleria, we are hit with Cindy's Cinnamon shop! OH it smells sooooo good! So Tyler got us some...and she literally licked the entire plastic bagging that was full of cinnamon!
They were amazed at all of the animals in Field and Stream!
There was a huge shoe sale so the girls picked out a new pair of boots and just had to wear them immediately! Alexis is showing hers off in the picture! :)  They have 'heels' on them...and she was just OVER the moon to get them! OH me, that is all she talked about the rest of the day! :)
And what a better way to cap off a fun day!? To spend it with two of my most favorite people on this planet! Meg and Mal met us for dinner and we had a great time eating with them! We headed home after and had two girls passed out quickly on the way home! We got home about 8:15, which was perfect timing to get them into bed and crash ourselves!

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