Sunday, December 8, 2019

At home Christmas!

OHHH....I LOVE when my home is filled with Christmas fun! The lights...the 'feeling'....just ALL of it! :)

Lily helped me with showing you around! Miss Vanna White! :)

Our mantle!
The view from the other end of the living room!
I love my tree! I just sit and stare at it!
The girls love their tree in the playroom! It has all of their fun ornaments, etc that they have made over the years!
Lily's tree in her room!
Alexis and her 'grown up' tree! She refused to have her 'all pink' tree like she has in all the year's past. So, I went and changed up some new ornaments, etc, for her so now she has a 'grown' tree! :) She loves it!
I love my dining room with all the white!
I love the little town! It is Lily's favorite too!

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