Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas..Santa came!

Santa came!

Whoop whoop!

And...Santa is tired!..... :)

OF COURSE...Lily was up BRIGHT and EARLY! She is checking out alll of her Santa goodies!
Aubie was telling her good morning! :)
 Then she spotted the Guinea pig cage...and a certificate....
 Then she had to go to her Daddy to make sure she was understanding the certificate correctly!.....
 Then she ran straight to the kitchen to get a pen....and she signed away!
 Her signature!...well...almost all of it! THIS was ONE OF THE MOST funny things EVER...and I will laugh about this every time I think about it! If you can zoom in to read this! OH my I love that I did this! {made the certificate!} The gist of it....Lily got full approval from Santa to become a Guinea pig Mommy! To take care of it...etc! That she can go to her local pet store and pick out her new friend because Santa has already 'adopted' them...she just has to pick the one that she wants! :)
We are waiting to get our new friend until we are back from our trip to Tampa next week! We didnt want a new friend and then have to leave for vacation! We are going with Nan and Pawpaw to Tampa to watch Auburn in the Outback Bowl!
 Then...Alexis woke up! She checked out alll of her goodies!
 Both of them seeing what all they were good enough to get! :)
 One of Alexis' favorites. She has been wanting this Kendra Scott necklace to awhile!
 Sweet Lily!
 Alexis opened all of her goodies...lined it all up and wanted me to take a picture!
 After we did Santa...we watched a Christmas Story while the girls continued to play,etc...and Daddy cooked his famous pancakes and breakfast for us!
Merry Christmas!
We got cleaned up and headed to the rest of our Christmas day fun!

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