Friday, December 20, 2019

The 12 days of Christmas!!


want to talk about a huge memory made last night!?!

We went caroling with some of our sweet neighbors around the neighborhood last night...


OH my goodness...

it was something!

FOR sure not what I had in my mind as how it was going to 'go'... was mortifying at some points...{with my singing :) :)}...

and SUPER funny as we had lyrics to the words but totally didnt think of the fact that as we walked...we would be walking away from street lights! SO...we would be singing SO loud and proud...and then the light would start fading...and so would we!

I laughed SO hard and had such a great time!

For the 1st Neighborhood Christmas caroling was a blast. I have to is probably one and done for the Law's....but who knows....I may give it a whirl again next year! ha! :)

This week has been full of wrapping up with school, school Christmas parties and more!
Wednesday was Santa hat these two were ready to wear them! I was actually shocked...Alexis must have been feeling festive that day...because she participated! :)
AND...she also begged to borrow my Christmas shirt! Urggghh....borrowing my clothes. I thought it would be 'fun' to share shoes, clothes with my child. Its not! ha! But..she took care of this and so I didnt mind her wearing it on this day! :)
Yesterday was the last full day of school before Christmas break! Lily was super excited to wear 'fun' Christmas clothes to get ready for her class Christmas party! She was also so excited to see what Ella Jingle did to our toilet paper when she came into the kitchen!
And..last night, these two were ready to go caroling! We were bundled up and ready! Lily was super excited before Madelyn spent the night with us after and then went to school with her this morning. Alexis was excited because she spent the night with Sydney and went to school with her too! They both have a half-day today and then Gran is taking them to see Jumangi this afternoon to kick off Christmas break!
We had hot chocolate....we had the songs...we had our friends...we were ready!
Oh...this was such an experience! We actually ALL sang the ENTIRE 12 days of Christmas at one stop we made.
I couldnt breath as I was laughing so hard at some points as we kept singing...and singing that song! That fun memory will forever be etched in my memory bank! :)
These kiddos had the best time! They sang so loud! They had the best time together! They loved running up and ringing the doorbells and yelling Merry Christmas to everyone too!

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