Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas day at Nan and Pawpaws and then more Christmas fun!

For lunch and more fun presents...we headed to Nan and Pawpaws for Christmas with them and Brandi and Theresa.

Delicious lunch and we had fun opening gifts!

READY to open gifts!
Ohh....they are loving their 'VSCO' girl gifts!
Lily...with her no teeth...though they are starting to come in quickly!!?!?! They love it!
We got home just for a little time to unpack the car...and then pack it again to leave. While we did...Alexis tested out her new scooter!
She said it goes faster than a car! :)
Then...they decided to race!
Lily was cracking us up! Hers needs a new she thought using her leg to 'scoot' it would make her go faster! It was soooooooo hilarious!
So...we turned around and headed back to Gran's for the full family Christmas. MORE yummy food...{we ate very well on Christmas day!}
Then presents and Dirty Santa time!
Everyone was super ready!
Merry Christmas!
My little family on Christmas day!
We had a wonderful Christmas! Thankful!
Pam took these!

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