Sunday, December 29, 2019

Our days!

Our days post Christmas has been FULL of nothing but relaxation and soaking up the beautifully weathered days!

I have successfully taken down all the Christmas decor...cleaned....done know...all of that fun stuff too!

We have soaked up the family time too! To the point to where I think we started needing a break from each other! :)

We headed to the land in Piedmont on Friday....and did a little shooting!
Daddy testing it out first!
Lily LOVES shooting! Alexis and her fought over whose turn it was next because they just kept wanting to do it!
Taking turns. They both have a really good shot!
Checking it out and seeing who shot best and bragging about it...and rubbing it in! :)
Then yesterday, we did a little of this to soak up the nice day! We had a tag along too our neighborhood...we never know who or when someone will be over! we let Callie tag along with us since her and Lily were already outside riding bikes and jumping together!
They loved trying to chase the geese!
Doing a little putting! Watching her do this...way toooo funny! :)
And...watching Lily too! Callie...was funny, also, but better than my two! ha! I didnt get a picture of her in action!
And....then...the beast! :)

We had a fun night after playing some golf too! The kids and Tyler went over to watch football and eat pizza at the Soriano's...while a bunch of us Moms left town! ha! We headed to Gadsden to have a Mom's dinner....AWAY....
It was fabulous! :) one at Church!
And....because it was dreary and we havent caught up with these cuties in awhile...we finally got to see Frozen II! It was soooooo good! We are big Frozen fans....and twin fans too! :) :)

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