Saturday, December 7, 2019

Ella Jingle made her way!


Lily Grace Law....

just could NOT wait....

for Ella Jingle to FINALLY make her appearance!

So, let me back up a couple of days!

Sunday..December 1st... Ella Jingle did not come.

We went to Church and alllll of the other elves...per Lily....came to her friends.

Well....I tried...Ella Jingle tried to just wait until the middle of the 1st week in December to come...but Lily was NOT having it! :)

So, THANK goodness, Ella Jingle decided to not wait...and came bright and early Monday morning...December 2nd! :)

I actually had to tell Lily....STOP coming in our 5:00 tell us what/where Ella Jingle was!

One was literally 5 in the morning...she comes running in..wakes me up...saying she can NOT find Ella Jingle!

So...Tyler actually gets up. {MUCH to my surprise} goes out....comes right back in...asks me..'Where is that stupid thing' {hahaha!} I tell him and then he goes out...tells Lily to cut the living room light on and look up and over! ha! She does...and I immediately hear her sooooooo excited as she spotted her!

Then yesterday....Ella Jingle was holding a sign that said naughty.

Lily {at 5 in the morning} comes in {again} to ask my thoughts on if Ella Jingle is saying she has been naughty....or if Ella Jingle is saying that herself is naughty! :) :)

At this point...I had to tell Lily...NO more coming in at 5 in the morning. WAIT until I am UP..then we can talk about allll of this! :)

Alexis has not had a care in the world about Ella Jingle and her doings...except for the 3rd day when she brought her a cute Christmas shirt! {OH.....her days are officially over! BOO!} :(

Lily loooooooves when Ella Jingle brings allll of her friends on the 1st day she comes! Lily puts them alll throughout the house! :)
Reading the note Ella Jingle left!

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