Saturday, December 7, 2019

Girl's night with Dirty Santa!

It is one of my most favorite nights of the entire....ENTIRE year! :)

I just love hosting my annual Christmas party!

LOVE it!

This crew got there early and so they helped set items out!
Allll the food! YUM! My new favorite that I made was a jalapeno cranberry dip! SO good!
Cant forget about this table!
Love all these ladies!
LaLa cheering on Team Green!
Not sure WHAT Team Red was doing....but it worked!......
because Team Red won! bahaha!
Sister against sister!
Then...because Pam won...she cant to pick her opponent! She picked to go against Emily {both had no idea what they would be doing!}.....
How much 'Snowman poop' can you stuff before the 30 seconds runs out! bahaha!
THIS cracked me UP!
The fam pic!
Love them!
Love my work crew!
Love them!
I didnt get a picture with everyone...but we had such a great time with TONS of laughs...and fun memories made! Welcome Christmas time!

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