Monday, December 16, 2019

Our FULL weekend!

We had a busy but so fun weekend!

We bounced alot! But we enjoyed friends and family and made tons of memories!

We started our Friday with the 'bigs' and 'littles' Christmas parties that I posted about! That was fun and we actually went to bed at a normal/decent hour too! ha!

Then Saturday was FULL!

We celebrated these two and their BIG number 4 birthdays! We love the C's!
Lily had a TON of fun with Reese and Madelyn...and everyone else at the party! Alexis had spent the night with Caroline {after the Christmas party} so she begged to not have to go to the birthday party!
So...during the party...Chris and Tyler realized that Emily and I had to work the same Graduation time sooo....they took the girls and took off to Birmingham to watch Auburn play! Tyler had just said that he wanted Chris to come over and them watch the game at our this topped that! They allll went! They had the best time!...and AUBURN won!
The girls!
They went to a fun restaurant and then a super fun ice cream place before heading home!
I would say, though, Emily and I had the best night. Once we were done with Graduation...I came home...threw on my pjs and went over to her house and we watched Christmas movies! {In silence and with no husbands OR anything to do! haha!}

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