Saturday, December 14, 2019

The 'bigs' Christmas party!

Last night the girls FINALLY had their party!

They have been waiting for the day to come since they found out weeks ago!

I hosted the 'bigs'......and I thought it would be a little calmer...etc...


it was..

kind of...but not really! I filled my home! It was a great night and they had so much fun together!

I love the card I made for their invite! We had to scratch the s'mores, though, because of the rain!...but that didnt phase them!
Carli came over a little early as we traded Lily for Carli since Carrie hosted the 'littles.' They helped set up the party!
More of the goodies!
OH...these girls! They are just growing up SO fast! I pray....everyday...that they know who they each other and themselves and they become the little ladies that God knows they can be!
Then...'big' Lily came! So another picture with the whole crew!
Love these girls!
So cute!....and WOW...they are allll so different...and their personalities are all so different...yet they all love each other! Well...there were only like two 'dramatic' incidents while the party was happening...but I blame it on alll the newly hormones that are floating around! ha! :)
THIS was priceless! As they played...and as they had their 'concentration' faces was so funny!
Their faces were priceless...too..when they were finished and actually saw their drawing. They all thought they did so great. It cracked me up when they saw what theirs actually looked like!
Then Dirty Santa time! They hung out in the basement the rest of the time! That is when it became 'calm' again! ha!

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