Saturday, December 14, 2019

The 'littles' Christmas party!

So...the younger children have been deemed the 'littles!'

And Carrie hosted them last night and BOY...she had her hands full! I just thought I did! She had more 'littles' than I had 'bigs!'

The one was SO excited! She loves her friends...and a good time! :)
Time to eat!
Alllll the 'littles!' Love Lily's little friend group also! I love how both girls have friends that they can do life with! And...I love both the 'bigs' and the 'littles' Mommas too! :)
OH....she came home and said her gift was the BEST gift ever! {I mean...though..out of ALL the gifts..she came home with the most 'messy' one! Gracious!} :)

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