Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Christmasy cheer and get it together Ella Jingle!

So...a little of this and that for your Tuesday!

Lily looked sooo pretty Sunday for Church that I just had to snap a picture!
So adorable!
My little mini me!
Then...Monday...we had our JSU Christmas lunch! And, it is always a great time..especially with these co-workers!
Then Monday night...these 3 worked super SUPER hard to finish their final Science project for Mrs. Trued's class.
My goodness...to have to have such a big project due smack dab in the middle of a crazy busy season! But...it is done! It was huge! They did a great job on it!
Sooooo.....this morning.....Lily ran...and ran to find Ella Jingle! Once she found her..she read the note she left her that said....'Hello Lily! Im sorry for the little prank I pulled! I hope you are not mad...love Ella Jingle!'
So, Lily comes running into my bedroom {where I am in the bathroom getting ready for work} and she immediately looks in the mirror!
She goes..'Mommy WHAT did ELLA JINGLE DO!?!?' As she is looking in the mirror of two black 'sticks' on her forehead! hahaha!
Lily says..'What in the world was she doing to me? Why are there just two line sticks on my face?!?!?!'
{Well...you see....once Lily was sound to sleep...Ella Jingle went in and had a red marker and a black marker. Ella Jingle started making 'reindeer antlers' on Lily's forehead only for Lily to start waking up...decide to roll over...put her arm up over her face and between the hair in her face and her hand...Ella Jingle couldnt finish was she set out to do without being SCARED to DEATH that Lily was about to wake up!} bahaha!
So...Ella Jingle decided to use the red marker and mark over {as gently as possible to not wake her} her hand that was covering her face!
So, I mentioned to Lily...'Well..did she draw on you anywhere else? Have you checked?!?'
Lily looks around...and finds her red marked fist! bahaha!
I go....'She must have wanted you to hold your hand over your nose the entire day and be Rudolph!'
Lily FELL for IT! haha!
So, this is Lily as Rudolph per Ella Jingle! bahaha!

One of these days...I am going to look back and remember how 'hard' it was just to do a simple Elf..how I felt like some of the tricks, I would get caught and pee in my pants! ha! But...time is a thief and it already shows as Alexis could care less about Ella Jingle anymore. I know that there arent many years left for Lily but I am soaking it up! She rushes every morning to see what Ella Jingle is up to! She get SO excited once she finds her and especially excited if she has done something funny,etc!
The magic in Lily's eyes makes it allll worth it!
I cherish this memory and it makes me sad that time is flying!
So, Lily decided to wash all the marker off and today was pj day! She was SO excited to wear the ones she had picked out! She didnt care they were tooo short for her! :)
For lunch today...I had my co-workers over for a little holiday meal! They always love my chicken and cheese nachos so that is what I treated them with! We had a great lunch and played Dirty Santa too! I just love them like family!
And...last but NOT least! I got this picture of Lily BEAMING in her Hip Hop costume! Mrs. Jessica said Lily could not stop smiling as she strutted around trying it on! Her ballet costume is not in yet and Alexis said she just had her ballet in....so it is getting close! Cant wait to watch them both up on stage!

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