Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas Eve at Gran's

So after Church...

we headed to our annual Christmas Eve at Gran's to eat and open gifts.

These 3 were ready to open gifts!
My little family!
READY to open!
This was the most precious things! I got him these two trucks that light up and look at that face! As he opened it he just kept smiling more and more! And...once it was all the way opened...he goes 'OH cool!' {I was not expecting him to say that...he isnt even 2 yet! ha!} Day made!
He loves them!
Happy girl!
Then...she opened her gift....that said...'WE are going to Disney!' This expression was priceless!
Alexis is super pumped to be going too!
So....because Lily just HAD to get home...because it was WAY TOOO late {per her}...because she just HAD to get to bed...we got home...put out the goodies...and two girls hit the bed so Santa could finally come and get to work! :)

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