Thursday, December 26, 2019

Merry Christmas from us to you!

We always...always...always...HAVE to take a Christmas Eve FULL family picture!

Here it is! :)

{Next year..Lily is super excited that our guinea pig will be in the picture!} :)

This is always one of my most favorite pictures because.....of so many reasons...such as, we had to drag Aubie out from under the tree where he was in the very deep back corner that Lily had to climb under there to get him {thus getting the flocked white 'snow' allll over her and it stuck alll in her hair!}
Then..we never know how Tickles and Aubie are going to act. This time...Tickles actually sat in my lap just fine...however...Aubie was trying very HARD to get out of Lily's arms! ha!
Then...we always have to take a ton of pictures because we cant get us coordinated with the timer on the camera! ha!
Luckily..this time...Nannie was at our house to go to Church with she took the pictures for us so, thankfully, no camera timer this time! :)

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