Sunday, December 8, 2019

Christmas filled fun weekend!

We had the best little weekend FULL of Christmas fun....mixed in with some swimming too! :)
Molly had her BIG 5 year birthday at the REC everyone loved swimming in the winter time!
Madelyn and Lily just love each other!
Sydney and Lex!
All the 'big' girls with Molly, the birthday girl!
The whole crew! I skipped the party while Tyler took over the reigns so I could get some private Christmas shopping done! MUCH needed!
Then later on Saturday afternoon....this crew hung out and spent the night with each other now that Sydney's family is in our neighborhood! WHOO HOO! We are so happy they moved near us! They literally had only been in their house one day....and had people over! YEAH..I know! But...they have been SO excited to get in their new house....they didnt care that they had just moved in!
We all watched football, I helped Ashley with some unpacking and Lily, Callie and Pearson had fun with each other too!

One of these days...Alexis is going to look back at pictures and go 'WHY did you take a picture of me while I am looking like I do!?'
And...I am going to refer her back to THIS post and say....YOU wont cooperate while I take pictures...THIS face is alllll you! :)
Sunday morning...Lily wanted me to take a picture of her with Ella Jingle...and our tree with their panties all over it! :) She thought this was soooo funny! {Mainly because it had more of Alexis' panties than hers! ha! I couldnt get my hands, Ella Jingle couldnt find as many of Lily's panties or she would have had more!} :)
Sunday, after Church, we went to see the Nutcracker! We love doing this and it was so pretty! Alexis refused a picture {shocker} but Lily got one before the show started! We were also excited to see Madelyn {and several other of their dance friends} perform in it!
Then, we rushed home...grabbed goodies and Tyler...and headed to our Sunday school class Christmas party!
TONS of food and fun!
It pains me to write this...but the guys won again.....ugh! :) We had a great time playing Christmas games...girls against guys!

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