Monday, December 16, 2019

Girl's night with Christmas lights!

We had a full day, yesterday!

So, after we had Church, we went to the Morris Christmas and then we literally ran home...dropped Tyler off...grabbed our jackets and headed to Oxford to meet friends and have a....

Girl's night with Christmas lights!

We had a blast!...and us Mom's...didnt feel toooo out numbered with kids! ha!

The lights were so pretty! For it to be their 1st year doing the lights, they did a great job!  I know that it will just keep getting better and better in the year's to come!
We all met at Home Depot and piled into cars together! They were all so excited to get to ride with their friends to see the lights!
Then after the lights...they all ice skated!
Having fun together!
 Picture card time! ha!
The Moms had to have a picture together!
Then...the WHOLE gang! #partyof21! Yeah...we had a huge crowd together!
The 'bigs!'
The 'littles!'
We all headed to Moe's to eat...a very late dinner...before heading home to crash!
Here's to the last week of school before Christmas break!
We are SO ready!

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