Thursday, December 5, 2019

Kicking off Christmas with the 1st week in December!


we LOVE Christmas over here!

I just love everything about December....well, except the cold!

Now, I dont mind cold {because it is expected for the month} but just not bitter cold...wind, etc!

We had that a couple of days ago and now that it has past, it has been so much better!

We have already been in FULL swing of all things Christmas related!

We have started wearing our Christmas attire!

Ella Jingle has made her debut!! {More on that later in a post!}

Tyler and Lily attended the Jacksonville Christmas parade!

Lily and I went to the JSU Ballerinas Kick-mas show!

We listened to the JSU Singers as they caroled through our neighborhood!

I have my Christmas party tomorrow!

Just in the 1st week!

Alexis and I headed to her dance classes but Lily gets out sooner so she and her Daddy were able to make the parade! Lily came home with a FULL bag of candy! :)
They said it was a big parade and tons of people!
Then last night Lily and I had dinner with the Messer's {the girls chose Chick-fila} before going to the JSU Ballerinas 1st Kick-mas show! It was so fun and reminded me of a smaller version of The Rockette's Christmas show!
Alexis had gymnastics and so Tyler took her while Lily and I had all the fun!
Love this picture!
 They did a great show! They worked really hard on all the routines....and that says something being in the midst of Finals, etc! I hope this becomes an annual event!
 Beautiful kicks!
We loved all the Christmas songs!
And...we really loved Cocky Clause!

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