Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas Eve!....the 1st part!

We have been counting down the days until Christmas!...and Christmas Eve too!

Christmas Eve morning we always do our Christmas to each other since we are in full force busy time doing other family the rest of the time. They were SO ready to open gifts!
I love capturing their expressions!
Lily said 'WOW! first credit card EVER!' {We got her a VISA gift card and told her {and Alexis} that they could have a 'shopping spree!'} She was pumped!
She had been hoping for a long time for Alexis to get her this Lego Frozen jewelry box!
My most favorite gift of all.....
I have been dying to see what Lily got me since the day she put it under the tree! I just love how it said 'To: Mommy
I love you Lily!'
The sweetest! She got me some 'fancy' stones...that she had picked out herself for me to use as decoration around the house! Very thoughtful! :)
And...always love my card holder this time of year with allll the Christmas cards we receive!
So...after making cookies for Santa...watching Christmas movies...getting cleaned up..we were ready for the Christmas Eve service at Church! One of my MOST favorite traditions during Christmas!
The girls wanted a picture by our new 'deer family!' Tyler surprised me with this awesome outdoor Christmas decor! Super pumped! It looks sooo beautiful alll lit up at night!
This girl had a big night on Christmas Eve!
She had a speaking part at Church! She got to light the last Christ candle of the 2019 Christmas season!
She did SO good up there! Sweet thing...she cleared her throat while she was reading that made her loose her spot. So, out of nervousness, she goes...'OH, whoops, I messed up!' Then...she found her spot and finished it out strongly! was time to light the candle! The lighter was a little tricky to get lit. So, right when I could see on her face that she was about to get mad at the lit and she was able to do the candle!
She got a loud applause from the crowd after she was finished! :)
This crew enjoyed the Christmas Eve service!

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