Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A full, fun and special day!

We had such a fun day today!

My very sweet and dear co-worker/friend, Leah, invited some of us co-workers to her home for us to have lunch and catch up! It was SO nice!

She lives out at the Fort in a home that her and her husband just built and it is sooooo beautiful! Leah is known as my 'decorating buddy' at work since we always buddy up together and help others decorate their offices...or decorate for our Christmas parties, etc! She has great taste and her home was just so nice! She had lunch ready for us and we just sat and laughed and caught up! Alexis and Lily came too and they are just like me so they walked around loving everything in her home too! :)

We had such a great time!

Then, we had just enough time to head to Legacy Village to say Merry Christmas and give out Christmas cards to everyone at the nursing home. They were all so excited to see some sweet little girls! It made their day! The girls were shy...but so sweet to the people when they wanted a hug...or wanted to play with their hair! :) We met Kyleigh and Chloe with their Mom to do it! It was such a sweet time! We treated the girls to Mad Hatter for some dip n dots and cupcakes after to round out the fun time! They were all thrilled!

We had just enough time to come home and relax for a little bit before heading to Church for pizza and rehearsing of the songs they are going to do at the Christmas Eve service Sunday! They are going to do awesome! :) Whew, we had a packed day but it was such fun and sweet memories made!

Lily loved Leah's tree! Such a fun lunch with sweet co-workers I call friends!
 Sweet Leah! Love her!
 Tricia, Cindy, Leah and I! So fun! {And..Lex and Lily!} :)
 Then...on to these sweet friends! Chloe, Lex, Kyleigh and Lily!
 Such sweet friends!...heading into the nursing home!
 It is such a cute place and I love how they make it such a cozy feeling in there for the residents!
 One of the directors was telling the girls about how the residents made the decorations for this tree.
 And they made gingerbread houses!
 Lily giving a card! She was so shy. { all know...she isnt shy!} :)
Then.....on to Church! :)
Practicing..practicing! They all look so cute up there!
Doing a great job!
Go and tell the 'good...good news' God gave Jesus.......for me and you! :) :)
Then pizza time and games! Alexis was THRILLED that she won out of everyone! She kept having to do it to win the end..and she did! OH she was super excited! :) I have actually never seen her this competitive! She does have that 'competitive' bone buried in her! It came out tonight! :)
Lily....OH my goodness! She couldnt grasp the concept that she had to keep sucking HARD to keep the bean on the straw to get it in the bowl! She tried hard though...but just couldnt get it. to make someone on your team a Christmas tree! :) :)
Sweet Elyse was the tree in Lex's group! :) :) Such a fun night! OH we had a full and fun day! Now...I have two girls that are passed out asleep..and I am heading that way too! :)

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