Thursday, December 21, 2017

She RODE her bike!

She did it!

She finally got the hang of riding her bike today!

It was perfect weather today! Not hot...high 60's so we enjoyed lunch at Cecil's before heading to the JSU track to let the girls ride their bikes!

Lily was SO proud of herself! She just needs to really master pushing off/pedaling and she will be set! She tried to do that..but just couldnt get the push off! Once we let her go though, she rode and rode!

She did awesome!

Soooo funny....she kept saying 'just stay straight....just stay straight' the whole time because she would start swaying with the handle bars and start swerving! ha!

Determined to learn to ride!
She is a pro...she kept trying to tell Lily how to do it and would follow behind her all the while saying...'pedal...pedal!' :)
Taking off!
And she is off!
Having a chat while taking a break from riding!
Look at her around the track!
All the fun before Christmas! Only a couple of days left until the big day!

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