Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Painting party with friends!

So, Carrie had foot surgery today....

the day she had about 20 people at her house to paint Christmas paintings!

We had a blast...Carrie propped her foot up {some} and the girls had a blast!

I love how Alexis and Lily's turned out and already have them proudly displayed!

I went by and picked up Jaycee so she could come and Stephanie could have a little break. She played at our house for a little bit before we headed to the Fritts.
I painted all of their faces like Rudolph! Everyone was so excited to do it..but Lily refused. She said she was already Rudolph at school and didnt want to be him again! ha!
Working hard! I didnt have to help Alexis any! In fact...she helped paint SK's and Caroline's noses for them! She is such a great little artist!
She loves doing things like this!
Alexis worked the hardest!
All the painting fun!
The 'littles' as they are called! :)
The whole crew!
They enjoyed pizza too while they painted!
Such a fun night with a big and loud...rowdy group of girls! :) :) :)
Their masterpieces! They all decided what they wanted to paint...and they all worked hard!
So cute! Love them! They both are matching outfits since Ella Jingle {our Elf} surprised them with cute t-shirts this morning!! So, they both chose pink tights to 'really match each other'....per them! :)
I love all the Christmas fun! :)  ....and we have SO much more in store in the next days ahead!! :)

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