Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Little Rudolphs!

I had SO much fun today spending time with Lily and crafting with her sweet class!

I do have to say...I am spinning though! I have not stopped since I have been home from our trip and boy is it showing!

My work group had our big Christmas luncheon and Secret Santa revel yesterday at the Train Depot and it was so nice and guess who was in charge of it all?!?!!

We had food catered from I had a car full of Christmas decorations, tablecloths...and Mexican food yesterday! ha! My car still smells like one big plate of Mexican! :) We all had a great time and I just love how the ambiance is at the Train Depot so it was really nice! They had it all decorated for Christmas with a tree and garland everywhere! I didnt get any pictures though because I was so busy! My sweet Secret Santa got me two pairs of comfy foot slippers and a really nice hand towel. I put a pair on last night as I was running around...still trying to wash up and unpack and Tyler starts laughing at me because he says I look like a grandmaw in them! He is just jealous! :) :)....and he should be because they are super comfy! :)
I promise I am going to post about our awesome trip....whenever I find a spare minute! :)

Today was PJ day...and BOY was she super excited! They were going to watch Polar Express in their pj's....and not take a nap {per Lily} and she said it is going to be the best day ever! :)
Crafting away!
I just dont know why everything always looks soooo easy to do! Despite it being harder than I thought..and the paint not drying fast enough...we got them done and I thought they turned out so cute!
And...I turned them all into Rudolph! SO cute! Lily and Bennett are the cutest ever!!
Sweet Kelby and Lily! Jack...   Lily says he is her boyfriend! :) :) She says he is so sweet and nice! I have to say..every time I have been around him...he is just precious! So..I approve! :)
My little pj wearing Rudolph!
Then..Santa came in for a surprise to them! He gave everyone a 'fist bump' and said that with the fist bump he knew what they wanted for Christmas! {Brilliant idea so 22 kids wouldnt have to sit on his lap and tell him what all they wanted! ha!}
And...Santa and his Rudolphs! Such a fun morning! The fun doesnt stop...we have a packed rest of the week...and weekend....with more fun and memories coming! :)

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