Tuesday, December 26, 2017

It's Christmas!

Christmas came! Santa came! Jesus is born!

Oh what a wonderful day!

We had another packed full of fun day on Christmas!

We woke up SUPER early {thanks to Lily} and checked out what Santa brought! Santa did a little trick to the girls this year! He didnt put anything out in the livingroom like he has always in the past!

Lily didnt say much about it when she woke up but I could tell she wanted to and was confused so I pulled out the note that Ella Jingle sent them telling them that SURPRISE...all of their goodies were in the treehouse!

So, Lily ran and woke up Alexis...

so they both could go outside and check out what all they got!

Lily already had her shoes and coat on since I had read her the note from Ella Jingle! She was ready to go and could not wait for Alexis to have a chance to read what it said!
Checking out the treehouse! SOOOO cold and sooooo early in the morning on Christmas day! :) Two super excited little girls!
Checking it out for the 1st time all decorated and so fun!
Half asleep and so excited!
When Lily was walking out to it...she said 'Oh wow..Mommy the treehouse is glowing!' :) :)
We loaded all of the Santa surprises up and took them inside because it was super cold to be out there...especially that early in the morning! :)
They were sooo excited to get their Hatchamals! Lily holding hers and rubbing it so it would hatch!
Alexis' hatched! Twins! She wanted me to take a picture of her holding her 'babies' for the first time! ha!
Lily pointing out to me their names! :)
We played with toys...did some straightening up before heading to Nan and Pawpaw's for Christmas lunch! Lily is holding her 'fingerling' that Gran had gotten her the night before. It is a monkey that sits on your finger and makes noises..... yep, I know! :)
They didnt even eat much because all they wanted to do was open gifts!
JoJo doll! They love 'JoJo with a bowbow!' :) :) I love how Alexis is in the process of opening hers in the background of this picture! :)
Alexis was so proud that she made a cake...all by herself....and brought it over in honor of Jesus' birthday!
Brandi and Lex!
Nan and her two babies!
This little one cracks me up! She has stuffed SOOOO much into this backpack that Nan got her! I mean...it is packed full since she got it and she has carried it nonstop since too! :) :)
Pawpaw and his girl!
Mal and the chicks at Pam's house for Christmas day...night fun! We played Dirty Santa and it was so much fun just like it is with them all every year!
These four just could not wait to open gifts!
Lily was soooo excited to open this huge gift from LaLa! She cracked us up because she fit her whole body in that bag digging out her gift!
And...a HUGE worm! She will not let it come off her bed now!...and it takes up the entire bed too! :)
The whole gang!
The rest of the gang on Christmas Day....night! We got home late too...crashed and today was such a beautiful day that we headed out for lunch and some errands before heading home and relaxing and the girls hanging out in the treehouse the rest of the day!  We had such a special and blessed Christmas with family, friends and our Church! :)

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