Saturday, December 16, 2017

OH how I love my Christmas party!

It is the most wonderful time of year! I love all things Christmas!!...and one of my MOST favorite traditions is the Dirty Santa Christmas party at my home! OH, it is always soooo much fun!

I laughed and laughed soooo hard last night! We all had a great girl's night! Just what we all needed!

I didnt take any pictures of alllll the food! BOO! This year I did an appetizer swap & Dirty Santa party! It was a hit and we had some yummy and fun recipes!!
Then it was time for the annual Trivia game! OH their 'concentration' faces crack me up!
Everyone in DEEP thought! bahaha!!
Still thinking.....
Tricia {the one with the red marker up by her chin on the left won the Trivia contest!} :)
Then we played the most hilarious game! Apparently I am on a kick with Rudolph this Christmas because I have already turned Lily's little class into Rudolph and last night, at the party, we played the Rudolph game! OH I laughed and fun!
We kind of didnt play correctly. They were all supposed to put their own blown up balloons in the pantyhose and then once it is full give it to Tricia {since she was at the end of the group} and her along with Bethany on the other sing Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. Whichever team filled the hose first and sang the song WON! OH, it was hilarious!!
Cracking me up because everyone blew their balloons up too much so it was hard to get them in the hose!
The first to start singing!
SO funny!!!
Oh, I just cant even say how we were all dying as Tricia was singing!
Meanwhile...the other team was busy busy!!
Trying to get them all stuffed!!
And then the race was on! Both of them were singing away!
 The funniest thing ever! OH my goodness we were all dying! And...yep, that is Ella Jingle up on the ceiling fan. She got herself stuck up there so she enjoyed the view of the party!
 SOOO fun!
All the Dirty Santa gifts!!
We had such a blast! Cant wait until next year!
Love these work family ladies!
Those this crazy crew!
Sweet friends!
 Two neighbors! work! ha! Missy {in red} is across the hall from me and Tammy is diagonal to me! We are work neighbors! :) OH...and this picture is sooo funny because of my slippers! Here is the story: they were my gift from my Secret Santa that we did at our Christmas work luncheon the other day. Well...I love them...but they are SO big on me! Tyler hates them and says I look like the biggest grandmaw in them! Well, my sweet friend Leah is the one that got them for me so I told her how comfy they are and how much I love them...but that Tyler doesnt and how big they are so she told me to wash and dry them and they would fit. WELL...I did...and they look like they are in the picture. Still HUGE on me! So....being funny...I wore them all night at the party! Everyone got a kick out of me wearing them! :)
So fun with these ladies!
Family picture! Everyone headed home...I cleaned up some...and crashed! Whew, what a night! Daddy, Lily and Lex had a date night by heading to Gadsden to eat at Moes, then to jump at The Factory! They had a blast and got home just as the last guest was leaving! Perfect timing on a perfection of a December Friday night!

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