Friday, December 15, 2017

New York, our last day

So, all good things do come to an end... and Sunday {Dec 10th} was our last day in NYC.

Yes, we flew out that day...but we made sure to still have a full and fun day!..and that is exactly what we did!

We hit the ground running, yet again, and headed to breakfast and then to the 9/11 memorial and museum! Unbelievable is all I can say! The museum hit home so much to me because I distinctly remember exactly where I was in 2011 as the planes flew into the 2 buildings. I was just getting out of my college class when I heard it on the radio. I sped over to Tyler's apartment and we spent the rest of the afternoon watching it all unfold on TV!

The entrance into the memorial. I was not allowed to take a lot of pictures...but I snuck in some! :)
Behind us was the steel beam where the 1st plane had initial impact!
This firetruck behind us was unbelievable! Gave me chills to see how destroyed it was!
See...just wow!
This was amazing! One of the last remaining beams.....resembled a cross! CHILLS!
Another portion of the museum that stuck out with Lex and I both was a part where they had items that were donated or left behind from people who were there. There was a display with a pair of ladies' high heals in it. The heels still had the blood from the lady on them! It had a plaque up about her situation and how she barely escaped down the stairs and ran to the ferry to make it home and only when she had finally made it to her house and calmed down some from the shock that she looked down and realized how injured she was. The whole way she was too traumatized to even know she was bleeding as much as she was!  Alexis' eyes were huge as she read her display and saw her blood stained heels...
This was awesome! They had people paint what color they remember the sky being on the day it planes hit. And behind this wall...are the remains of the people that they could not identify or have taken out. So sad!
Alexis in front of a picture of the twin towers!
I snapped this picture on my phone of the new building! They talked about how they were bound and determined to regrow to honor those who lost their life. This building is beautiful and amazing so I know it has to make them proud!
Then we took a quick taxi over to Battery Park to check out all the snow and see the Statue of Liberty!
No words!
The snow was soooo fluffy and beautiful!
Alexis and another one of her snowballs! :)
She was SO excited to see the Statue of Liberty! I hate we didnt take the ferry out...but none of us wanted to! ha!
My girl and I..and the Statue of Liberty!
The three sisters!
So, then we took the subway back to Manhattan and had lunch as the cutest little diner! SOOO fun!
LOOK at this chicken pot pie! OH my was bigger than my head!! It was the best thing I have ever put in my mouth too!!!
After our late lunch...we strolled the streets and hit the little Holiday markets that were set up around the city and just so cute! Alexis loved this gingerbread house/city display! We finished up..headed back to get our luggage and just like was over!
Alexis was so excited I got her this journal! She spent the plane ride just a filling it out!
Our last 'selfie' in New York! We both were so excited to get back home to Daddy and Lily! We got home about 2:45am and then had to turn around and go to work and school. We were both tired but still on the 'high' of our trip that we made it through the day on that Monday back! We had a blast of a trip with soooo many laughs and memories made with everyone we went with! It was not a trip you go on we made it count and it was so worth it! The whole trip we felt so safe too. There were cops all around..and they were so nice. Mom and Lana went up to every one of them {it seemed like} to say hi. They all seemed to love the attention! What is crazy though is the very morning we were back in Alabama...a suicide bomber attacked the Subway at Port Authority which was on 42nd street. The same Subway we used the day before since our apartment was on 46th street. To say it was unbelievable to hear that a bomb went off just where we were the day before is crazy! Thank the Lord that his bomb went off before he expected it to and so he didnt make it in the actually trolley where he could have hurt/killed a lot more people. It actually went off while he was walking and hurt him more than anyone and no one died. You just never know what can happen..and the world is filled with sadness and hate, but I can say..that I loved every minute of NYC and with the safety of all the brave cops, we had a great time! I am soooo grateful to have had this time with Lex and I! I look forward to many many more fun trips....of just us...and some with Daddy included and Lily! :) I also look forward to having fun girl only trips with Lily when she is older! Making memories and seeing the world is something I look forward to with my girls!

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