Friday, December 15, 2017

New York, day 2!

So we survived the full and fun day on Thursday! ....that we decided to do it again on Friday!! :)

We got up bright and early {again} with hopes of making it to The Today show but since we were dragging some {well our legs were} we decided to head on to the double decker bus and cruise! The double decker was just what we needed! We could hop on and off the whole trip!...and I even got Alexis on for free! SCORE! It was nice to be able to hop off to the locations that we wanted and then get back on the bus and not have to walk anymore! I even had one of the drivers get a crush on me so it worked in our advantage because he let us off at spots that we were not supposed to {where there wasnt a bus spot to stop}...just because he thought I was 'muy bonita!' :) :) {very pretty!} :) We did the night tour on the bus too, on this day, and it was so nice to see the city in lights!! Beautiful!

Up and ready to hit the streets again! We always tried our best to get under the coverings because you could still see out but it kept the cold out!
Ready to go! We were all dressed the same...which helped because I could spot everyone with their Santa hats on! :)
The architecture of the buildings just amazed me! SOOO beautiful and so detailed! The Churches were especially beautiful! 
This Catholic Church was just HUGE and amazing! I just couldnt believe how grand and big and amazingly detailed it was!
My mouth just dropped open in each one we went in! Some were actually have school Christmas performances so we couldnt take pictures..and some were real dark inside so I didnt get pictures alot inside..but here is one of just how beautiful they were!
Peace doves Christmas tree! The lady on the right was putting them all on the tree. The birds were so tiny at the top and got bigger towards the bottom! So simple and elegant!
We hit 5th Avenue!...and this was Alexis' kind of place! She is for sure a 5th Avenue girl! I told her at one point...that she is going to have to find a really smart and rich husband when she grows up!
The Plaza! Alexis was dying the whole trip to see this because her favorite Christmas movies are Home Alone 1 and 2! She was pumped! It was decorated soooo pretty for Christmas!
We were not allowed to go in through the front. Alexis was sad...but we did get to go around to the side and go in the bottom of the that perked her up!
We saw several horse and buggies while on 5th!
Fancy..fancy around there for sure! Across the way was beautiful Central Park. Alexis loved seeing the bridges like in Home Alone, Lost in New York...and the big rocks where Kevin befriended the 'pigeon lady!'
Meg and I {with all of our 10,000 inside jokes, kept making fun of Lana the remainder of the trip because she made a point to say that she thought pigeons were so cute!} :) haha!
Inside the Plaza!
Aunt Pam, Gran and Lex spun and spun around in the doors. I just knew they were going to get kicked out and banned from there! :)
It was so nice in the part that we got to go in! Lex and I treated ourselves to a treat while in there! SO good! :)
And...could not leave The Plaza without doing Kevin's 'AHHHH' face! :) :) This was Lex's interpretation of it! ha!
The window scenes! OH MY GOODNESS!.......breathtaking!! So unique and cool to see all of them! So neat and so fun!
Some of them left me surprised! :)
I loved the black and white ones! So sophisticated!
Down every avenue....there were different themes! I loved them all!
Right behind them was Trump Tower! President Trump still has an apartment there where he still stays from time to time with his family!
Talk about HIGH security! Armed Secret Service men everywhere...with really big scary guns..and a TON of ammunition!
If you wanted to go had to continue through to metal detectors, Secret Service looked on at you! The man to Alexis' left was a Secret Service agent...and I asked him if he ever has watched 'Scandal' the TV show...well, he said no...and I said, well you should because you look just like 'Jake' from it. He asked me if that was a good thing or bad thing...and of is a good thing! :) :)
Of course we were going in Tiffanys!
WOW! all I can say! Alexis looked and looked and wanted and wanted here! This is where I told her that she is going to need to marry someone really really smart! :) She wanted a necklace...that was $8,000!!! :)
St. Patricks. We went in but there was a huge line for Mass, so we didnt venture though much because of that!
Then we hit Saks 5th Avenue! This girl smelled every.single.bottle.of.perfume.down.the.whole.long.line!! It was cracking me up! Then she decided on a smell for me and a smell for her and sprayed us! ha!...LaLa couldnt walk near us because she said we smelled too strong! ha! I liked the smell she chose for me! :)
Then we hit Little Italy for lunch! Look how cute this is! We ate lunch here and it was sooo authentic and yummy! Alexis and I had their ceaser salad and lasagna!...HIT the spot!
The ambiance was just perfect! I felt as if I were in Italy!
We loved our outfits for the day! My little mini me and I!
My friend Tammy made the shirts for me and I surprised everyone with them! They were thrilled! So fun!
The crew!
LaLa and me!
We did some shops while around there. They had a cute Christmas in New York shop. Then we hit Chinatown! That was an experience! We loaded up on fake purses, scarves, perfume, hats and more while we were there! Some great prices for sure!
 We stopped in the world famous Ferrara's Italian bakery and it was outstanding! The decorations..the desserts...OH fabulous!
 This was the BEST hot chocolate I have ever had!
 Alexis and I split a lobster roll! OH SO good!
 In was neat to see all of their fish markets! So cool!
 Back on the bus for the night tour! We were all getting delusional at this point! :)
Alexis had hot hands in her gloves so she couldnt move her fingers because the were not all the way up in her gloves like they were supposed to she held her hands like this for forever, which was SOOO funny! Then...she pulled her scarf and her hat like this on her...we were all crying laughing sooo hard at her! OH me, it was funny!
Then we got off and started heading back to the apartment! We stopped off at some shops to snap some pictures!
And...the wreathes in NYC..OH my! They were everywhere and sooo pretty! This one was HUGE!!
So, we stood under it like we were holding it up! Yes...see what I mean...we were getting delusional! :) :)
We decided to hit Bryant Park's Wintervillage on our way and it was soooo cute with the little vendor shops and white lights!
They had a huge ice skating rink and a beautiful Christmas tree too! We were going to skate in NYC but never made it to do it because we were so tired of walking..that we didnt want to skate. We enjoyed watching everyone well as at Rockefeller Center too!
Then....we thought we had time to make it to our final stop of the night before heading home....BUT we didnt make it in time. We walked in circles...literally 4 times...the wrong way....before we finally found this store!...well, when we finally made it...they had JUST closed. Alexis started bawling crying because she had such high hopes of going in there that night. If we would have not gone around the wrong buildings..we would have made it. But, I promised her that we would not leave NYC without going in we headed home and CRASHED!! :)

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