Saturday, December 16, 2017

Random fun pictures from NYC

This is a random picture posting of some pictures that Pam and others took that wasnt included in my 'day posts.' These pictures are just random of all the days that I wanted to share and remember!

This was from our 1st day...and Jeykel and Hyde restaurant!
The Plaza was decorated so elegant!
Another fun view of Central Park before the snow hit!
St. Pauls. They had a 9/11 remembrance because this was one of the main shelters for people who ran and were hurt from the tragedy. Such a beautiful Church...makes me sad picturing the scene of it with all the hurt people, etc...
See, so beautiful. Places like this were full of helpless people and they opened their hearts and doors to help as best they could since it was right down the block from the twin towers!
It's snowing in Times Square!!
We laughed so hard at ourselves all bundled up like we were!
The snow was amazing!
So peaceful!
So elegant!
 Looks like this should be in a magazine!
 Such a cute little nook right down from our apartment. There were little areas like this everywhere! OH I loved them!
 So pretty!
 All the stoops! My favorite!
 Our Subway selfie! Crazy that the very next day of this picture...a suicide bomber's bomb went off. :(
 Alexis loved playing in the snow. I loved that Pam got this picture of her happy face!
 The Statue of Liberty!
 Alexis and Gran fed a squirrel. He was launching to get the piece of doughnut! 
 The ferry in the snow! :)

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