Sunday, December 17, 2017

Morris Christmas 2017

Today we had the Morris side Christmas at the Saks Community Center!

The weather was cold and rainy...

but the food was delicious and the convos were great!

This table is the reason we have the Morris Christmas. Wayne, Bobbie and Nannie!
The crowd chowing down! I just realized that is all the pictures I got! I was too busy eating and talking...before I left. And...I left on a 'high' because Alexis and Lily are spending the night with Aunt Pam tonight and then Gran tomorrow night. My goal in life for the time they are not to do absolutely NOTHING! So is 7:15 {as I type} and I am in my pjs with a candle lit...and my blanket my chair......not moving....never moving! :) :)
OH so good!
The other side! I also realized that I didnt even get a picture of everyone! Oh well, I got what I did! ha! :) I always love catching up with these people!

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