Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas Eve!

We had a full and busy Christmas Eve! Lily was up bright and early and ready for all of us to be up too and get all the festivities started!

So, that we did! We didnt slow down much the whole day! So many fun memories made! :)

Bright and early she had the gifts opened! She was SO excited that her big sister got her a 'wubble bubble ball!'
She has been wanting one since her birthday! :)
Alexis loved what her little sister got her too!
I dont know what is so thrilling about these things....but she loves it!
Finally....Alexis doesnt have to keep a secret anymore! She had already almost spoiled it for Lily...but thank goodness, Lily didnt hear her correctly! An American Girl...'Bitty baby' from New York City.  Pretty cool! :)
Her Bitty baby!
Her gifts from Daddy and I!
PJs to a match her doll!
Then...on to making cookies for Santa. Lily didnt help Lex and I. She was too busy bouncing her huge bubble ball with Daddy!
We got cleaned up and headed to Church!
Two sweet friends ready to sing on Christmas Eve morning!
This little sweet group ready too!
Brandi and I holding the fort down before they went out into the Sanctuary! :) :)
They sang a cute song! They did so good!
Then Dr. Derek told the kids about the story of Jesus!
Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi came to Church with us and so we went to lunch at Effinas with them and then the girls went to their house for a couple of hours before we headed back to Church so Daddy and I could get 'Santa' fun ready! :) :)
Our little family Christmas picture before our Christmas Eve night service!
We had a great Christmas Eve morning and night Church service since Christmas fell on a Sunday this year! I love our Christmas Eve night service at our Church! It is always so beautiful! After Church, we busted a move to Gadsden to eat dinner and open gifts with Gran, Ben and Andrew!
Ready to open gifts at Gran's!
An IPAD! BOY, she was super excited! She had been wanting one forever!
Nannie came and ate with us and watched us open gifts! Alexis finally got her American Girl doll from Gran that she picked out from the store in New York! She has been waiting for this day since we got back from our trip!
Her doll Teenie!
Gran and Lily!
Andrew and Lily...and Ben in the back! We got home super late...girls passed out and was ready for Santa to come!!

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