Thursday, December 14, 2017

NYC 2017-part 1...1

OH, I dont know where to begin for our trip!

We had this trip planned months in advance and surprisingly was time to go before we knew it!

Pumped is an understatement for how Lex and I felt as we loaded up after school and work on Wednesday {Dec 6th} and headed to Birmingham to enjoy dinner with LaLa, Vic and Gran and settle in to be up and ready early Thursday to fly out!

We enjoyed La Paz Mexican {sooo good!} before calling it an early night because we had to be at the airport at 4am! We flew out at 6:00am and landed in NYC at 9:30am. Our driver was ready to pick us up and the rest of the day...we didnt slow down at ALL until late...late that night! When I say we got our 'steps' in...we did! Alexis and Meagan wore their fitbits and we loved to see our step count at the end of each day! It blew us away! We did not slow down...and it was SO much fun and so great!

We literally went from dark to way past dark on Thursday {Dec 7th} This was at 4:30am about to board! She was pumped! She was super pumped the Meg did her hair too! Props to Meg for doing her hair...Lex's hair....and my hair...all at 4:00am in the morning before we left Lana's to head to the airport! :)
This is post..part 1..1 meaning..our day was so long and packed full that I have to do day 1 into 2 posts!!
About to board of flight! It was nonstop flight straight to NYC!
LOOK! OH, how adorable! I just loved how 'New York' our apartment felt! We had our own gate! Super cool!
This is our room! I love how we were all together! It made it more fun!
And..our bathroom cant go without a picture! Our toilet was heated....and could 'clean' us too! ha!
We threw our luggage in our room...and took off! Our first picture was Times Square! We were on 42nd street!....which meant we were super close to everything! Times Square was two blocks up!
My chickadee and me just strolling New York!
All of these characters wanted us to take a picture!
Thought this was a cute picture of them with linked arms! We all took turns staying locked with Lex! :)
We headed down to the SoHo area because Meg wanted to eat at a place that she remembered was super awesome when she last came...when she was 9. Along the route, there were tons of art decorated walls so they stood to take a picture by one! :)
The Chrysler building behind them!
Straight out of a movie scene! You always see these type of little parks!  There were a good bit of them!
And..OH how I loved seeing these! They were on the street corners for all the New Yorkers! Loved it!
We made it to the restaurant
Jeykell and Hyde! I had seen about this place and thought it would be neat and fun for Alexis..and then when Meg suggested it, I was excited! was kind of a bust! It was an interactive restaurant where gargoyles talked...and creepy pictures had scary people and their eyes moved. Well, it was super cheesy! ha! Alexis was over it and didnt think it was scary...or funny. The food was good but poor Meg....she was disappointed because her 9 year old self remembers it being fun! :)
See the walls, etc.... it all 'moved' and spoke. ha!
There were some really cute stores and I got the cutest Statue of Liberty antiqued looking ornament for my tree from this cute place!!
Along the way..we saw several of these memorial type areas that are still set up from 9/11! It was heartbreaking to read them and remember it all and know that right on the street we were standing...that people ran for safety!
How many hot chocolates can Alexis drink?!? She asked for hot chocolate at every chance she got! Her and Meg enjoyed coffee and hot chocolate together at cute little shops they would find. This was their official 1st cup......of what seemed like 10.000 on this trip! :)
Then after strolling SoHo, lunch, hot chocolate....we headed back up and looked around and shopped by Macy's! So cool! We were super excited because after the Rockettes on this night, we were coming back to Macy's to see Santa in SantaLand!
We headed back to our apartment...just with enough time to change clothes head to see the Rockettes!!
The three sisters! :)
I love her like a sister! We had sooo much fun together on this trip! We laughed and laughed and had sooo many inside jokes to count!
We even changed our names {being funny} when we would place our Starbucks orders! :) Oh we laughed when they called out 'Jalena' for Meg!!
Ready to see the Rockettes! This was really the 1st and only time in the whole day that we actually sat down was to watch the show! It was amazing! Sooooo great! A memory and bucket list checked!!

This amazing and beautiful chandler hung right in the entrance! Amazing!
The show was fantastic and we were dead centered!!
This was the end! They did a manger scene and it was beautiful!
My girl and I! I love this picture!
 Right outside the Rockettes! Radio City was so cute decorated!
 I just love this picture of Alexis! So pretty!
 Once we were done, we hit the streets for some strolling...and pictures..and making our way to Macy's in time for our reservation to see Santa!
We passed the Rockefeller Center OF COURSE we had to stop and snap a picture!
And...of the cool HUGE Christmas lights!!
I love this picture too!
Then...a picture with the Empire State building behind you! Im sad that we didnt get to go up to the top..but we did see it at least!
We made our way back to the room...because some wanted to put on jeans so we passed Times NIGHT! OH, wow how pretty and ALL the lights! WOW! Part 1..2 is up next..when we met Santa!

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