Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Memories of 2017!

As we are about to embark on a new year...

I love to reflect on the year's past to see what all memories have happened...both good, sad, bad and everything in between!

Let's 'look back in time!'  :)

We made history as we went to the very last Ringling Brothers circus. Im super sad that the circus will no longer be, but it was fun to get to enjoy the last one with my little family and Gran and Ben!

 A BIG deal in February! Lily finally mastered blowing a bubblegum bubble!...and for a little girl who LOVES some bubblegum...this was huge! :)
 And..of course we celebrated and wore pink and red for Valentine's day!!

Alot of fun things in March! Another BIG event for Lily!...she learned to tie her shoes! She was SO quick to master this one! This girl was determined to do all sorts of things to gear up for Kindergarten!!
Miss Calhoun County pageant! She just shined up on stage!
They both did SO awesome! So proud of them and they looked sooo beautiful!
Another big event! Alexis made B-Team cheerleader! She did awesome in her try-outs!
Both Alexis and Lily also started practicing for soccer in this month too!
We had a great mini vacation to Chattanooga, Tennessee! We explored and had a great family trip! To top it off before heading home...we enjoyed sherbet!
We celebrated alot in April! Nan, Brandi, Daddy and my birthdays...and of course, Easter! :)
We did all things Easter in April!
We surprised Daddy! Big 3-5! :)
 We surprised him GOOD! He had no idea they were coming for him!! :) :) games! Soccer games started and two girls were pumped!
One bigger girl....realized what soccer was about...and finished the season but decided it wasnt really for her.....
but THIS one...loved soccer and was REALLY good at it! She loved it!
Two soccer queens!
Last field trip as a 3rd grader! Daddy and Lex went to Desoto Caverns and had the best time!
Daddy/Daughter dance! Lily's first one to get to actually go to and she had the BEST time dancing with her Daddy!!
They always 'cut a rug!'
A ton of fun things in May. Lex and Lily had their dance recital! This big crew met and had lunch before!
She dances so beautiful!
Lily had so much fun dancing!
This year was her first year to take 'hip hop!'.............and to say she loved it is an understatement!
 The girls always love all the flowers they get from everyone at the end of their recital!
 BIG deal! May marked Daddy taking this out for the first time once he finished building it! These two LOVE to fly through our neighborhood on this!
We had a fun and quick trip to our favorite place for Mother's day!...........and we stayed in a suite for the 1st time at Grand National! all I can say! :) Super nice!
Schooooollllssss out!! Summer, whooo hoo!! :)
Super highlight for this girls!..................their 'end of the school year' party with their bestest of friends! They loved that I surprised all of them and took them to lunch and then home to play the rest of the afternoon!
We kicked off June with a great week of vacation Bible school at our Church!
THE BEACH! Whoo hooo! We always love the beach with Gran! Ben and Andrew came too on this trip! So fun!
Tyler and I went deep sea fishing for the 1st time and had SO much fun! It was a great 'date' day for us!
We love the beach!
We went to our 1st Braves game in the new SunTrust park! It was SO awesome and we always have a blast at Braves games!
And....super highlight! Lily, yet again....learned something new this year! She learned how to swim! She was so proud of herself...and  was proud of her too!!
We surprised Alexis for her birthday! BIG 9!
My 1st Summer that I worked from home a good bit! I loved every minute of it!! On my day off each week I made sure to do something super fun with the girls! We did everything from going to the movies...having nail painting days, having fun lunches...and having friends over to play! So much fun and so many fun memories made!
We headed to our traditional spot for Lex's Auburn! We love going to Auburn!
We celebrated the 4th of July...Auburn style!
We came home and the next weekend she had a huge pool party with all of her friends!
Lily had her 1st sleepover SUCCESS! Callie didnt make it...but Abby Grace did! They played and played....and wore me out! :)
We had the BEST time with this crew! We went kayaking for the 1st time! So much fun!
The best day!
Tyler and I celebrated 12 years! :) :)
And..the girls and I had a fun long weekend 'getaway' to LaLa's new beach house in Destin! So much fun!
We had the annual Law Family reunion!
Cant let Fall go by without a couple more floats down the creek! Oh we love this!
Cheer season has kicked off...and kicked off with a pool party!
This little one started kindergarten!!
Ready to start school!
Games kicked off!
Super highlight!....Lex cooked her 1st meal all by herself! She pulled her recipe all by herself and took charge! It was so nice and so good!
The Solar Eclipse! Such a fun and unique experience! These two could not wait to get to school and watch it with their friends!
Then...toward the end of August...hurricane Harvey blasted through and Texas {Houston} flooded. Such a sad and devastating time.
A little big girl had her 6th birthday with her sweet best friends!
We had a fun filled day around Jacksonville doing everything she wanted to do! {which included not 1....but 2 parks, getting their nails done, lunch and cupcakes! :)
We were in the Jacksonville Homecoming parade for the 1st time! So much fun!
Alexis got a HUGE award at school! So proud of her for the highest achievement on the ACT aspire test! She rocked that test! So proud!
We attended our 1st JSU home game of the season!
September is always filled most with football and this year these two went to their 1st Auburn game! To say it was awesome is an understatement! We all had a blast!
Miss sweet little Kennedy was born!
Heaven gained an angel. Adam's death...and funeral really rocked me because of many reasons including that sweet little redhead on the right, the fact that he was an organ donor and how tragically it happened.
Lex had her last B-Team Homecoming game! Sam Parker was so sweet to be her escort! Lily thought she was SO BIG to get to give out the flowers to all the girls on the field!
Lily had her 1st field trip as a Kindergartner!! They went to the pumpkin patch and she had so much fun with her friends! Nan, Pawpaw, Daddy and I so enjoyed going with her on her first field trip!
We celebrated and did ALLL the fun Halloween events! Trunk or Treat at their school!
And...Halloween night! Always SO MUCH fun! :)
Cheer season came to an end and we had a great, great season this year!
We won! Silver Division Champions!!
Mal and Bill got engaged! Cant wait until April for their wedding!
Alexis sang in her 1st Veteran's Day program at school!
Our family lost a gentleman in November. He is greatly missed!
We celebrated Thanksgiving at the Classic!
Daddy included! :)
Then celebrated again at LaLa's!
We went to another Auburn game of the season with the girls! This was our 1st time in the suite area and it was so nice and all the food was free! :) We ate our weight that day..and cheered Auburn on to a great win!
Always the best in Auburn!
And...the BEST...Auburn beat Bama this year in the Iron Bowl! Whoop whhooooop! I was a mess during the game! It kept me on edge the whole time! Aubie loved the game too and wanted my shaker every time I shook it! :)
I got to go to Lily's sweet class and help with Christmas crafts and fun for the 1st time of the year! I loved it! I turned the whole class into Rudolph!
  It snowed! We had a record 12 inches in Jacksonville...and we were not supposed to get any snow! Crazy! The crazy thing too is that Lex and I were in New York thinking we were there and yet it snows in Alabama while we are gone! :)
 While it was snowing in Alabama...we had SO much fun on our girl's trip to New York! We saw everything under the sun and had so much fun together! Here we were about to see the Rockettes!
 So many fun memories made!
 Another BIG for Lily! She finally mastered riding her bike all by herself!
 She went around...and around! :)
 Daddy finished the awesome treehouse! So cool!
 Of course my annual Christmas party is always a hit! I just love bringing my friends and family together for a night of fun!
These girls had the BEST time! We surprised them for a fun night of Christmas music and seeing lights! They all rode in a limo for the first time! So fun!
 We hit the town of Auburn again to cap off 2017! We went to our 1st Auburn basketball game in the new Auburn arena! So exciting and loud and fun!
 It was so nice inside!
 We celebrated Christmas as a family and enjoyed our Church services since Christmas fell on a Sunday this year!
 Christmas Eve we had fun at Gran's!
 Christmas morning...Santa came!!
 Christmas day we had Christmas lunch at Nan's and then Christmas day..night, we had dinner at Aunt Pam's to end our Christmas cheer! We had a very blessed 2017! We had some sadness and some great happiness too! I can NOT wait to see what 2018 has in store!

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