Friday, December 15, 2017

New York, day 3!

So...on this day {Saturday}....we were bummed because all the day before, in Alabama, we got pictures from friends and family about HOW much snow they had gotten! We couldnt believe that we were in NYC and it snows in Alabama while we are not there!


we slept in a little bit on this day...had a fun breakfast and watched in SNOW in NYC!

Whooo hooo!! It started snowing! There was a zero percent chance of snow..but the storm that hit Alabama so hard...moved right on up to NYC! So, we got to enjoy it and see how beautiful NYC is while snowing! And...the snow did NOT stop us! We still hit the city hard...even with the snow!

We could NOT wait to get out and see and be in the snow! Even though it was snowing..and snowed all wasnt that bad outside! The only time I covered my face was when the spurts came of snow in my face as we walked! I was surprised how I didnt freeze my tail off!
Alexis was excited it was snowing!
So pretty!
Yay for snow!
On this Saturday of every year..NYC has a HUGE event called 'SantaCon'...where people dress as Santa and go about the city. Mostly...they barhop..and it is young people. Talk about a day to have this when it was snowing like crazy! If for sure did not stop all the Santas from having fun! There were 10,000 Santas this day around! We laughed that we wore our Santa hats on the wrong day...but it was probably a good thing that we didnt look like all of them! This was their meeting spot before they took off throughout the city! This wasnt even all of them! LOOK at them all! :)
So beautiful with it snowing!
Lex LOVED stomping and splashing in the snow and making snowballs!
We decided to take the double decker down to ground zero and tour it..and go inside the warm museum out of the snow. did everyone else in New York so the line was WAY WAY we looked around at the memorial, saw the One World Trade Center {they combined the two and rebuilt into one} and got tickets to come back the next and last day and tour. It worked out perfect!
So...see this snowball!?!?!?! This was one of several that she loved making. Well, this one is special! This one was one of her bigger ones. This one she decided to take off and throw it at Meg. Well..Meg saw her coming and took off away from her. So Lex sped up to catch her. Well..right when Lex threw it at Meg {and hit her perfectly..I might add} her feet went right out from under her and she flew straight up and then down...slipping on the snow and ice. She laid there and started crying...only because she was more embarrassed than anything. But ...she got up...wasnt hurt...and started busting out laughing that she was just like Home Alone! Trust me when I say...we referenced everything from those movies on this trip! One lady that saw her..came up to us and said that was straight out of a movie! It was laughable!...and glad she wasnt hurt :)
We wore these ponchos just to prevent us from being soaked! We looked ridiculous...but didnt care! :)
I love this picture of the memorial..of Ground Zero in the snow! The 'hole' you a waterfall! So cool!
 A picture of the front of the One World Trade Center that they have just completed and opened!
So then we took the double decker back to our room where from here we freshened up...and Lana, Pam and Meg went to dinner and to the Broadway show Cats...while Gran, Lex and I went to eat and strolled Rockefeller Center more...
This was a 9 year old's view. Doesnt get much better than that!...Times Square in NYC. She is blessed!
 On the way Alexis and I were sitting together on the double decker..and she said her feet were wet from the snow on her boots. So...I took her boots off and her socks were wet. So, I warmed her feet up..and didnt want to put her wet socks back instead...I put my gloves on her! bahaha!! When we got back to the room to freshen up....Alexis pulled her boots off and I thought Pam was going to have a heart attack when she saw her feet! Pam had no idea I had let her use my gloves and Lex's feet scared her! Haha! OH we laughed and Pam took this picture! It was sooooo funny!!
 I just love this picture with the snow on the tree! :)
So pretty!!
 All in the snow! So pretty!
  And...we checked out the light show on the back of Saks Fifth Ave with a back view of the Rockefeller tree too!
We watched the people skate! So fun!
The front view of the tree and the rink!
before heading to THIS place! By far the highlight of Alexis' trip! The American Girl doll store in NYC! To say she was excited is an understatement!
This store was HUGE!!! Gran and I could NOT keep up with her! She was bouncing everywhere..back and forth..and back to see it all!
A 9 year old girl's dream come true! :)
She made her picks....we made fun surprise picks for Lily and she couldnt keep that smile off her face! She picked the girl named 'Teeny.' She is a cute blonde doll with freckles on her face like Alexis. She fell in love with her and no matter how many others she saw..and liked...she came back to her!
On our way back to our apartment to crash....we stopped at the star from one of the trees. Savorski crystals! No words! :)

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