Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Skating around the Ham!

So...we did our newer tradition of going ice skating!

This year Meg came with us! Mal came too but she didnt skate. She got to watch our shoes for us! :)

We always love popping over to Birmingham and so this afternoon we loaded up and went to Mal and Bill's new house first to see it! Im soooo excited for them! Their house is so cute and perfect for a new little married couple! Im so glad we got to go see it!

We went and did some shopping and picked up Lily's flower girl dress before heading to skate! We got there at perfect timing and beat the crowd! After skating Bill met us and we all went to eat at Surin before heading back home. Perfect timing to have the girls head to bed once we got home! SCORE! :) :)

Us girls ready to skate!
Family picture! :)
OH MY GOODNESS! is the story!................. I am a pretty good skater. I am! Really!....
So, I yell over to Meg to 'Lets race!' So Meg says....'okay!' So......we take off! I was blowing her out of the water! Really! Well....then...out of nowhere.......I hit a divot...or the ice and just start FLYING face first down to the ground! I dont know how..but my brain kicked in and I told myself to bend my knees and kind of 'slide' with it...kind of like my old days of sliding into a base during softball. So, I did and slid on my stomach...and face..across the ice. OH it did NOT feel good! OH...I am going to be soooo sore tomorrow! Yeah, so Meg is the body against the rail...just DYING laughing at me...and I just so happen to do all of this right in front of where Mal was sitting so she was DYING laughing at me too...and took this picture! I didnt think I was going to be able to get up! And..that man behind me {in the picture} came up to me...and said 'WOW..that looked like it hurt..what you just did!' did! :) :) Nobody asked me if I was okay.......they all just laughed at me! Thank goodness Tyler was not watching on the side we were and didnt see it or I would not have ever lived it down! :) :)
Skating away! Lily is SOOOO good at skating! Meg and all of us just watched her in amazement!
The cool girls! :)
Meg being 'fancy!' haha!
Around and around we went!
Alexis would NOT let go of us all and skate...until the end, she finally took off on her own! She was pretty good too.........but not as good as Lily!
She looks like a pro here though! :)
She cracked us all up! She thought she was sooooooo cool that she could skate so good! Meg said the reason she could is because she has 'no butt!' haha! That it kept her 'equilibrium' from making her fall! ha!.......oh we laughed! :)
We had so much fun! I love making memories! :)

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