Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Back in action!

Im back!

Sweet home Alabama is great to be back in!

We had a great....great...fun...and full of laughs and memories trip to NYC though!

I will post about all the action and fun when I have a chance to catch up with everything!

Yesterday was a blur with it being a Monday...and having to go off of 3 hours of sleep at work! Whew, I am just glad I made it though! So, I still have unpacking..washing and sorting to do because I literally dropped my things and went to bed when I got home and then yesterday I went to bed early! :)

To kick off my 1st day back in the groove, we had our annual Christmas brunch hosted by the President for all of the staff. It is always a good meal and some fun entertainment. So having that got me through the day! He gave us 2 extra days off for Christmas vacation so that was a win too!

So here's to being back home...and catching up! :) :)

There was a photo booth that we all did before we left! We cant go without a photo opportunity! We didnt have our whole crew, but we got this group for the photo op!
So, the lady that I asked to take our picture...literally kept taking one...and taking one..and taking one...we kept sitting there and sitting there....
Well, my glasses started falling off because they were too big!....
I tried to hold them up and then smile again..because she kept taking and taking...well, they kept falling off!
I kept hearing the line of people waiting to take pictures laughing and not knowing why...
So, when they officially fell off....Tricia's sword hit me in the head and I turned around just in time to see I had been ganged up on the whole time and that is why the line was laughing! :) Too funny!
Meanwhile at school.....Lily's teacher sent me this picture of Lily having fun! I just love getting things like this to see what they do during their days! One of Lily's friends Grandmother dressed as Mrs. Claus and came and read to the class! Lily loved this! I am going tomorrow and doing a craft with them and I cant wait!
So, on my 1st day back....I didnt slow down! :)

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