Saturday, December 23, 2017

Twas the night before Christmas {Eve}...and we are in Auburn!


it may be the day before Christmas Eve....

but that doesnt mean we cant take off to Auburn if we want to!

We headed to the Plains today for our 1st Auburn basketball game!

It was SO much fun! The crowd was wild...the three pointers were on point and the environment was so fun!

We had the best day together!.....just us 4 in Auburn!

We headed down...ate at my FAVORITE....did some 'thrift storing' before heading to the game!

Tyler and I have been to Auburn basketball games before...but not since the new arena has been built and not with the girls!

So much fun!

My view on the other side of the table!
My side!
The new Charles Barkley statue! Pretty cool!
About to head in! It was supposed to be a really bad and rainy day...with cold coming in! It rained while we were inside and didnt the rest of the time we were in Auburn! It wasnt cold either!
Us three girls hanging in Auburn on a Saturday! :)
Waiting on the game to start!
It is really nice in there and there was a huge crowd! Tyler and I were thinking that there wouldnt be a big crowd with it being the day it was...but nope, it was packed! Auburn played UCONN and beat them like 89 to 64! It was a great game and Auburn looked and played AUesome! :) :)
The girls loved watching Aubie, the Tiger Paws and the cheerleaders!
And...we cant resist cotton candy! Lily ate hers in what seemed like 3 minutes flat! :) :) Maybe because she stuffed her face like she is in the picture! :) :) haha!
We tried out a restaurant in Wedowee that we drive pass every time and now we are home and curled up watching Elf before bedtime! Perfect day...and War Eagle!

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