Thursday, December 14, 2017

It snowed!

It snowed here in Alabama!

This past was cancelled because there was a chance of flurries!...

even you remember, Alabama shuts down and doesnt know what to do with a chance of flurries!

Good thing though...because Jacksonville had a record number of 12 inches of snow in most spots!


That is a lot!

Tyler and Lily were without power for a they had to hunker down with Nan and Pawpaw since Lex and I were in NYC to stay warm!

It is so crazy how Alabama weather is! There will be high chances of storms...or we get out of school and it does nothing...

then there are chances of flurries and it turns into inches! You just never know what the weather will do! We went from 12 inches of snow to today being in the high 50's, low 60's! Crazy!

So, us girl group head all the way to NYC and are shocked that it snows in Alabama but NO chances of snow in New York! Crazy right!!?!

Well, the storm ended up heading north and we woke up to snow on Saturday! It was beautiful!...and in NYC, they do NOT shutdown and are not worried at all about we did the same and enjoyed it and experienced snow in NYC!

It was so awesome that both Alabama and NYC had snow! It was a great kick off to the Holiday season!

Tyler sent me these pictures of it starting to snow! I was soooo bummed I wasnt at home with them getting to enjoy it! Oh...and this is his 1st selfie! :) :) bahaha! :)
When Lily called me on Saturday....she said her and Daddy were going to build a big snowman..but by this picture as an example from that Friday afternoon...she refused to put on Daddy told her no snowman if no gloves. So, her stubborn self said no gloves. I was looking forward to seeing their snowman from NYC because we didnt have any snow at this point!
So pretty on a late Friday afternoon!
Down our street! They called it Winter storm Benji up in New York as to what was happening down south!
Our home!
This was Lily's 'I dont want to take a picture' face as her and Daddy at breakfast at Waffle House since there was no power! She loaded up and headed to Nan's no too long after this since the power was still out and there was no sign of it coming back on...
 Nan and Pawpaw sent me these pictures of her once most of the snow had ended! We had such beautiful snow!
 Bundled up and watching it snow!
 Our backyard was so pretty!
 And on the same day as the picture above of Lily and Daddy eating out because of no power...we started seeing this! SNOW! We were SO excited that the zero chances of snow changed and we got to see it snow in NYC. It was so awesome! What was crazy too...was that it wasnt that cold {feeling} I didnt have to bundled up much...and the only reason we look like we do {in pictures I will post soon} is because I didnt want to snow to hit my face as we walked because we did not slow down with it snowing...and the ponchos were to keep us dry!
Once in a lifetime experience! So cool!
The snow was like powder! Alexis LOVED making snowballs! I have a GREAT story to tell that I will post about! Oh the memories!
Both Alabama and New York experienced Winter storm Benji!

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