Saturday, December 23, 2017

Full of Christmas fun!

We have not stopped with loads of Christmas fun lately! We have been packing it in for sure!

Last night Alexis had a spend the night...Dirty Santa party at Carmen's house! She had a blast...said she didnt go to sleep until 2:00am....

and therefore...

she slept all the way to Auburn today...and all the way back home! :)

First up....Ella Jingle has been busy this Christmas! She has been up to all kinds of shenanigans! On Thursday morning...Lily was sooooo surprised to see that Ella Jingle had put a mustache on her! Ella Jingle also put polka dots on Alexis! :)
Friday night fun with these girls! Alexis was SO excited when I told her Friday morning! Yeah...I waited to tell her for several reasons! 1. So I wouldnt have to hear a billion times....'when is it time to go?' 2. To see the look on her face :)
They ate pizza...decorated cookies, drank hot chocolate, played games, played Dirty Santa..and more!
Alexis said she was the only one that 'stole' a gift during Dirty Santa! She says she really knows how to play...and that you are supposed to steal! ha! She got a $ 15.00 Wal-Mart gift card and a fidget spinner! She was pumped!
We met Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi at Los Mex after we dropped Lex off at Carmen's and so Lily begged to have a spend the night party at Nan's house since Alexis was getting to spend the night with someone so Tyler and I had an impromptu movie night...........with NO kids! :)  So, once both of them got home this morning...the found that Ella Jingle had pulled out the Christmas pajamas to open! They were so excited!
They love gowns...and these Christmas ones are soooo cute!
Us four headed to Auburn for a fun day today and to go to our 1st basketball game so once we got home tonight...they asked to go ahead and wear their Christmas pjs! Usually they wear them for the first time on Christmas Eve...but I just couldnt say no tonight! I snapped this picture since tomorrow night will be late since we go to Gran's for Christmas Eve. Alexis is in mid sentence saying...'why do we always have to take pictures' I was taking this picture! Uggghh..... :)

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