Thursday, December 14, 2017

Part 1...2, we met Santa!

So, some changed into jeans...and we hit the streets YET again. Literally not stopping! we were heading to Macy's for our reservation..we started realizing what time it was..and had to start walking FAST! Our reservation {which was the last time before closing} was 9:00pm!

We ended up running...

as fast as we could with our whole body shutting down because of how much we had walked and done earlier in the day...

which meant...we didnt run fast because we all were exhausted!...


we got to Macy's and it was like 9:05! We were all bummed!! BUT....they ended up opening the doors and letting us in! SCORE!...YAY!!!..

Well..because the line was still kind of long {even with a reservation time} we had to wait about 20 minutes...weaving and winding through the SantaLand! It was beautiful with a TON of lights..and trees...and decorations that moved and danced and sang! For it to be a department was amazing!

So, we finally made it to Santa!!!

We made it in! We were SO excited and thankful they let us!! We were sooo tired at this point...and HOT because the layers...OH the layers...
Macy's has heat...along with the rest of the stores, etc.... So at each and EVERY place we entered...we had to strip down all of our warm gear because if not, we would sweat to death...and then have to put it ALL back on...once it was time to go back outside! I lost count of how many times I had to keep up with my scarves...Alexis' scarves...gloves, headbands, head toboggans, etc! It was a lot of work! So much so...that I dont think I could ever live in there because of that!
She was beyond excited!...and tired..but not going to let that stop her!
It was SO amazing! Here she is looking at the train..and the gingerbread buildings!
The North Pole!
Seeing the big guy! She was so cute telling him what all she wanted!
She also told Santa what Lily wanted! :)
He was a sweet Santa!
Fun picture!
The group!
So once we were done...we headed back to the apartment to CRASH! Along the way...we checked out some store window displays! The window displays BLEW MY MIND! I loved them all! Just awesome! I will show more in my later posts...just awesome window displays!!
And..of more picture of Times Square since we had to pass right by it! I LOVE that they have the New Year's Eve ball lit and up!! The next morning..we were up BRIGHT and early again to hit NYC! More posts to come!!

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