Friday, December 29, 2017

Rockin New Year's Eve...eve...eveish party!

We have made this a new tradition in the last couple of years and my girls look forward to it now every year!

The girls and their friends have SO much each year..and this year was no different!

This year was the biggest...with a total of 14 sweet girls! :) :)

Whew! :)

The tables were set! :)
So 'fancy!' :) :)
These sweet girls have been friends for years! They are the 'original three!' :)
And...then...Jaycee came in the mix!
Some of Alexis' crew starting piling in! I didnt even know they were all in the house half the time! They had a dance Alexis' room...listened to their IPADS...and played the LOL surprise game too.
And..on the other hand...this crew...I knew they were in the house! WHEW! :) :)
Dance party! I walked in and snapped these pictures as they were not even noticing me! :)
Time to eat!
I had sparkling cider for all of them in 'fancy' glasses! The big girls all said 'cheers' and clanged them together...and the littles all thought they were super cool just to have 'fancy' glasses!!
It makes me smile to see Lily's little friend group growing! She is getting more and more sweet friends!
The whole gang! There were 7 big girls {6 of Alexis' friends} and 7 little girls {6 of Lily's friends!} Perfection! I love how Lily has just as many close friends and Alexis now! :)
The little girls made slim.........yes, the big girls were super mad at me but I did them first and ran out of all the supplies.......and to be honest...I could have probably winged it and done them too but I despise slime and just didnt want to fool with it anymore with the big girls! ha! They were having so much fun in Alexis' room...and not being crazy..that I just let them be! Oh well...they got over being mad at me once we went down to the basement to play! :)
Just Dance is always a hit!
All the girls love to just play and play!
A full basement of fun girls!
Air hockey tournament underway! Such a fun night with a bunch of fun and sweet girls!

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