Friday, December 22, 2017

Oh what fun it is to ride....

in a limo!

Yep, last night we surprised the girls with hot chocolate, blaring and singing Christmas music, seeing Christmas lights, talking to Santa and a limo ride!

She had NO idea what was going on! We were the first ones in McDonalds, to eat, and when Savannah and Holley walked in..she was like, 'That's odd, that they are here too!'...then here comes Sara Kate...they were all confused!....then Carli and Callie! Everyone was like..what are we all doing here?! :)
They were all SO excited when we passed out matching shirts!
And then we told them to walk outside and Mr. Trey was out waiting on them! They all started screaming!
So excited!
Ready to sing Christmas songs and see lights!
These fun friends!
Their shocked...and 'Kevin' faces! ha!
So we didnt know where Mr. Trey was taking us so when we started realizing we were going to see the lights in Nan and Pawpaw's two were super excited. We asked Mr. Trey to stop at their house and we surprised them!.....and of course had to have a photo session real quick!
Lily was SO mad at me for making her take one minute to get a picture with Nan and Pawpaw before we left {as you can see in the picture of her face!} She was ready to get back to the action! ha!
{And...surprise...Pawpaw's eyes are closed!} :) :) haha! :)
Love this picture of them all looking out at the lights!
Goofing off until we made it to Oxford next!
We went to Friendship lane in Oxford and this house had amazing decorations! The most beautiful and HUGE reindeer that I have ever seen!
I love this picture of these two sweet friends holding hands!
We got out here to enjoy the lights and see Santa!
While waiting to see Santa!
All Lily told Santa was...she wanted a new blanket! The look on Santa's face was hilarious! He was like 'So, that is all you want?!?!'....and she said yes, and other things! Oh my goodness! :)
These two girls filled Santa's ears full with what they wanted!
Mr. Trey! We all love him and he was so nice to take us on this surprise!
All the angels with baby Jesus! :) :)
These group of fun Mom's made a lot of memories last night! So much fun!

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